Case Study


Find out how MLC helped Pro-Sapien to enhance user enagegement of their EHS technology and support in their global expansion strategy.

12 Languages

EHS Translation

Software Integration

Technology Translation

Pro Sapien Dark 2178x833 1| My Language Connection

Client Overview

Pro-Sapien is an independent Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) technology company that integrates its configurable EHS and Quality Software with Microsoft 365. With over 13 years of expertise, Pro-Sapien’s goal is to enhance end-user engagement in workplace safety for its global clientele.

‘The Pro-Sapien and MLC partnership showcases how choosing a competent and culturally fitting language service provider can successfully address challenges and contribute to global business expansion.’

Mark Gibson, Managing Director of Pro-Sapien Software

Client Requirements & Challenges

As Pro-Sapien began to grow internationally, the need to support a diverse client base with multiple languages became crucial.

To enhance employee engagement and software adoption, Pro-Sapien needed to focus on localising content into users’ native languages. By tailoring the software to individual preferences and making it more user-friendly, they aimed to attract a larger user base. This strategy, aimed at boosting engagement rates and fostering user loyalty, played a crucial role in their international expansion strategy.

Their key challenges included:

1) Multiple Language Support: Ensuring their platform was accessible in various languages. A crucial step in leading to their overall mission of successful internationalisation and growth.

2) Quick Communication: Effective communication to understand and meet aggressive delivery time frames.

3) Expertise and Cultural Fit: Finding a partner experienced in their technical domain and aligned with their company ethos.


Our Approach & Solution

Pro-Sapien connected with MLC in 2020, and collaborated on a one-off project with great success. As the company then grew a specific client-driven opportunity arose. Pro-Sapien evaluated three vendors, including MLC. MLC was selected due to their responsiveness, quality, and fast project turnaround.

Pro-Sapien engaged MLC’s specialist translation services to convert their primarily English platform into over 12 languages. This transition shifted their approach from client-specific translations to an out-of-the-box, multilingual offering.

MLC ensured high-quality deliverables through regular checks and validations at every translation stage. Furthermore the team engaged deeply with Pro-Sapien’s Development Team to address the unique challenges of translating technically specific IT and Health Safety terminologies, and how the transactions would be compatible with the EHS technology.


Positive Impact for Pro-Sapien and Their Clients

The partnership brought several significant improvements:

1) Enhanced Offering: Pro-Sapien’s platform now supports multiple languages, enriching their service offerings.

2) Global Reach: The new multilingual capability helped Pro-Sapien attract and service clients across Europe and North America.

3) Control and Quantifiability: MLC provided a more manageable and quantifiable approach to multilingual support, so much so that Pro-Sapien now consider MLC as an extension of their team.

Overall, the integration of additional languages contributed to Pro-Sapien winning new clients, making this multilingual capability a strategic advantage for Pro-Sapien’s growth.

Director, Mark Gibson, has rated their experience with MLC 10/10, citing ease of communication, clear process articulation, and timely deliveries. You can learn more from Mark in our video below.

If you are looking to expand to international markets and need to enhance any tech focussed products, apps, CRM tools or websites then contact us today. We would love to hear from you and learn how we can support in you achieving your international goals. 


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