Client Overview
Since launching the world’s first tractor-mounted hedge cutter in the 1940s, McConnel has become a global leader in the agricultural machinery industry.
With a proud history of being a multi-award winning company, McConnel offers a comprehensive range of Power Arms, rotary and flail mowers, and cultivation machinery, with over 100 different models and thousands of build options to cater to diverse customer needs.
McConnel’s reputation for excellence has spread worldwide; as a result, its machines are now being used in over 40 different countries, including China, Canada, New Guinea, and New Zealand. With satisfied customers across the globe, McConnel continues to be at the forefront of the agricultural machinery industry, setting the benchmark for quality, innovation, and technology.
MLC provide a rapid response and quote for all our translation requirements and projects are always completed within the specified time. Great all-round service from a professional team. Polite, quick and efficient service – I highly recommend using MLC for all translation projects.
Requirements & Challenges
MLC has been a language partner of McConnel for the past few years, primarily helping them export their comprehensive range of Power Arms to new markets. McConnel required translation services to make their operating manuals available in multiple languages for their international customers. In addition to translations, high-level proofreading was provided as part of our quality assurance process.
The main challenge was to provide accurate translations, which contained technical terminology specific to the agriculture and machinery industry. The translations had to be precise and consistent across different languages, including French, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Slovenian, and Lithuanian. This has been an ongoing endeavour, with a substantial volume of content and a total of 79,000 words translated so far.
Our Approach & Solution
MLC has been a language partner of McConnel for the past few years, primarily helping them export their comprehensive range of Power Arms to new markets. McConnel required translation services to make their operating manuals available in multiple languages for their international customers. In addition to translations, high-level proofreading was provided as part of our quality assurance process.
The main challenge was to provide accurate translations, which contained technical terminology specific to the agriculture and machinery industry. The translations had to be precise and consistent across different languages, including French, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Slovenian, and Lithuanian. This has been an ongoing endeavour, with a substantial volume of content and a total of 79,000 words translated so far.
How much do your translation services cost?
This is, of course, one of the main questions that we get asked by prospective clients. There are a few factors that effect the pricing within the translation industry, some of which are: Language combination – less common languages will generally be more expensive, for example, as specific dialects of African languages are unique to some groups, any language to and from these dialects, are priced higher than more common languages like...
Looking to keep your investors in the know with daily translated economy updates?
Grab a coffee and have a read at how we helped Stratton Street Capital LLP do just that, everyday for the last year and a half: Click to read the full case study Stratton Street Capital’s partnership with MLC Stratton Street Capital chose MLC to partner with them to complete the translation of their ‘The Daily Updates’. Translating the daily updates, has allowed Stratton to increase engagement with investors, keeping their existing investors...
Can one of the biggest challenges the aviation logistics industry faces be solved?
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Do you need to have documents translated when tendering for contracts outside of the UK?
Is this something that your company is thinking about? With over 60% of our quote requests in 2018, so far, being from companies who are looking to have tender submissions translated, we saw an increase in this requirement, and started some research of our own to understand how important it really is to have your tender bids translated and the impact it can have in winning that contract. We found that a requirement of The European Commission’s,...
The Chinese New Year 2021
When thinking about your translation project, one of the points you need to take into consideration is the public holidays in the target market country. Is the launch or shipping of your product going to fall on a public holiday? Does your product allow for time to be spent in a container waiting to clear customs while the target country observes their holidays? When organising to exhibit your products/services in your desired target market...
Localisation: what you need to know
For applications that provide the user with a personal and often fairly intense experience such as websites games or marketing material, you need to do more than just translate - you need to localise. What does this mean? Know your audience Basically, localisation is translation plus full adaptation to the target culture and the target market. Let's start with translation itself. You have your website or game translated into the target...