My Language Connection Blog

Welcome to the My Language Connection blog, your go-to resource for insightful discussions on the dynamic world of translation and interpreting. As a leading translation agency, we’re at the heart of the industry, and our passion extends beyond just translating words. Dive into our curated articles to stay updated on the latest industry news, trends, and thought-provoking perspectives.

bio tech translation specialist sitting at desk in My Language Connection Office.

The Purpose of Translation

We believe that translation is just the first step in your language project. Our passion is providing professionals just like you with an outstanding service – we make the time to speak with you, regularly checking in to understand exactly what you need, so we can help you achieve success in your target marketplace.


Can one of the biggest challenges the aviation logistics industry faces be solved?

It's normal for large aviation manufacturers to have years of back log on their order books. According to Suman Sarkar in the ‘The Supply Chain Revolution: Innovative Sourcing and Logistics For A Fiercely Competitive World’  the main reason why large commercial aviators have this backlog is their breakdown-down in communication throughout their large supply chains due to the sheer size of the chain with hundreds of businesses throughout the...

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Do you need to have documents translated when tendering for contracts outside of the UK?

Is this something that your company is thinking about? With over 60% of our quote requests in 2018, so far, being from companies who are looking to have tender submissions translated, we saw an increase in this requirement, and started some research of our own to understand how important it really is to have your tender bids translated and the impact it can have in winning that contract. We found that a requirement of The European Commission’s,...

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The Chinese New Year 2021

When thinking about your translation project, one of the points you need to take into consideration is the public holidays in the target market country. Is the launch or shipping of your product going to fall on a public holiday? Does your product allow for time to be spent in a container waiting to clear customs while the target country observes their holidays? When organising to exhibit your products/services in your desired target market...

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Localisation: what you need to know

For applications that provide the user with a personal and often fairly intense experience such as websites games or marketing material, you need to do more than just translate - you need to localise. What does this mean? Know your audience Basically, localisation is translation plus full adaptation to the target culture and the target market. Let's start with translation itself. You have your website or game translated into the target...

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Expansion and Contraction in Translation: Why You Need to Be Aware

Not all languages are built the same way, and not all languages say the same things in the same way. A phrase that’s short and pithy in one language may be long and rolling in another. There are even times when a simple word in one language will have no real equivalent in another language -- requiring instead, a not-so-simple explanation. And when you’re dealing with translation, this can make a major difference. Page Layout Whether it’s a...

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What makes a translator qualified?

Whilst there is no universally-recognised international certification for translators and professional linguists, most nations have established standards for translation, whether by law, or through semi-official bodies such as the UK’s Chartered Institute of Linguists, also known as the IoL. This is a practical as well as a cultural necessity, since accurate translation is crucial in business, as well as matters of civil, criminal and...

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