My Language Connection Blog

Welcome to the My Language Connection blog, your go-to resource for insightful discussions on the dynamic world of translation and interpreting. As a leading translation agency, we’re at the heart of the industry, and our passion extends beyond just translating words. Dive into our curated articles to stay updated on the latest industry news, trends, and thought-provoking perspectives.

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The Purpose of Translation

We believe that translation is just the first step in your language project. Our passion is providing professionals just like you with an outstanding service – we make the time to speak with you, regularly checking in to understand exactly what you need, so we can help you achieve success in your target marketplace.


Why is ISO Important for Medical Translations?

Quality and consistency is a must in the field of medical translation. Getting ISO certified is important to ensure that medical documents and product labels are free of error and are delivered to the highest standards.  Medical translation is a specialised service that must adhere to the highest standards. Creating content for medical products and devices is highly regulated since any error or misinformation can lead to patient risk, such as...

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Medical Terminology for Interpreters

Medical terminology for interpreters is one of the biggest hurdles that professionals in the field will encounter. This is a comprehensive guide on how to regulate and overcome this issue.    Medical interpreters are subject to a superior standard when it comes to dealing with medical terminologies. They need to understand concepts and medical terms as it can play a factor in the health and safety of patients.  How Confusing Medical Terms Can...

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Translating Medical Journal Articles

Translating medical journal articles is a crucial role. It must be done accurately and within regulatory standards to ensure accuracy and relevance of the translated information.  The medical community is highly diverse consisting of people from different races, ethnic and linguistic groups, and regions. This makes effective communication within the medical industry extra challenging. Why is this so important? Because human lives are at risk if...

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Translating Medical Data Sheets

Medical data sheets are an important piece of document to ensure the safety and protection of those who are handling medical devices and equipment. This is why proper and accurate translation is highly critical.  Medical professionals are regularly exposed to a variety of health and safety hazards. This could be from dealing with various medical equipment or biological waste. Either way, it is important to translate this document to ensure the...

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Your Guide to Regulatory Audit Documents

Regulatory audit documents are one of the most important pieces of documents in the healthcare industry. It ensures compliance of existing regulatory standards to ensure patient safety and quality of healthcare and medical services.  Regulatory compliance standards are a set of policies that govern all formally registered organisations. The purpose is to ensure that all existing organisations must abide by certain standards to ensure quality...

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Medical Device Labelling Translations

Medical device labelling translation is subject to a highly regulated standard. Manufacturers need to adhere to these standards to ensure the preservation of the patient’s safety in the use of the information relating to these medical devices.  If you are using a medical device for the first time, the first thing you do is check the label for instructions on how to use that device. Translating this information to other languages is the first...

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Decentralised Clinical Trials

As decentralised clinical trials become the norm, examine how to succeed with this new setup and ways to overcome the challenges that are present. Traditionally, clinical trials are conducted in a special lab or clinic. The purpose of having a defined location to conduct these trials is to control the environment and to ensure the safety of patients, as well as the integrity of the entire study. But the pandemic is one of the biggest disruptors...

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Guide to Patient Information Leaflets (PILs)

Patient information leaflets (PIL) are a crucial piece of medical document. Accurate and honest translation is a must to ensure patient safety in the use of medical devices or products. The past decade or so has seen a tremendous shift in the interaction between patients and healthcare providers. In the past, patients were often kept in the dark about the diagnosis and treatment procedures of various conditions. Today, patient information isa...

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Clinical Trial Translations

Accurate translation is critical to the entire clinical trial procedure. It must be performed to the highest standard to ensure data is preserved during the translation. As the need for clinical trials grows, so does the demand for translation services. The need for clinical trial translations is evident with more of these research studies conducted in developing countries that do not necessarily speak English. To bridge the gap in...

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Machine Translation Technology – It’s just not that simple

A Changing World - but should it be? We live in a world where, in the modern day, it makes so much sense for many companies to use machines rather than human workers for day-to-day tasks.  This can range from large scale manufacturing to ordering screens in fast food restaurants. The objective for businesses seems clear – the use of machines and computer software can speed up the process while cutting the cost of employing large numbers of...

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